Space & Astronomy
Space and Astronomy (October 1993).iso
Text File
85 lines
PASADENA, CALIF. 91109. TELEPHONE (818) 354-5011
The Magellan spacecraft, on a radar-mapping mission to
Venus, has traveled 607 million miles and has cruised one and
one-fourth times around the sun since it was launched from space
shuttle Atlantis a year ago May 4.
It will arrive at Venus on August 10 and be placed in a near
polar orbit by a solid rocket motor.
Today, Magellan is in an orbit around the sun, 103 million
miles from Earth and 17 million miles from Venus. Its velocity,
relative to the sun is 68,000 miles per hour.
It takes nine minutes for a radio signal, at the speed of
light, to reach the spacecraft from Earth and another nine
minutes for a signal to return.
The Magellan cruise has been relatively quiet, but the
spacecraft team has learned to cope with some unexpected
The star scanner unit, used to check the position of the
spacecraft by scanning pairs of reference stars, went through a
period of seeing unexpected glints of light during its daily
calibrations. Such events are called spurious interrupts and
cause the attitude reference units to abort the updating
Engineers narrowed the likely causes to two conditions. One
was bombardment of protons during large solar flares. (Magellansaw three major solar events in its first six months). The second
was when the star scanner unit went from the shade to sunlight
during calibrations which caused small particles to be shed by
the spacecraft cover.
The first cause was fixed with a software patch that
narrowed the tolerances associated with a correct star fix; the
second was fixed by ensuring that the star scanner unit remained
in the shade before and during star calibrations.
Magellan had another persistent problem early in its cruise.
The rocket engine modules, solid rocket motor and two equipment
bays experienced temperatures hotter than predicted. In all
cases, the components never got hot enough to trigger red
alarms, but it was important to understand the higher
temperatures to assess their impact throughout the mission.
The fix to this problem has been to use the high gain
antenna to shade the components from the sun, and temperatures
are expected to remain in the acceptable range.
Other spacecraft teams have also solved problems involving
one of the gyroscopes and radar engineering data.
In the weeks ahead, all the teams will have a busy schedule
as they plan for a radar mapping test, trajectory correction
maneuver, going into orbit around Venus, testing and the
beginning of mapping.
During the last week of May, the spacecraft will be
programmed to simulate three days of radar data taking,
including turns. All the teams will be at their stations as the
data comes through the Deep Space Network to the Radar Processing
Teams and the Data Management and Archive Team.
Although the radar will be pointed at deep space during the
simulated mapping orbits, for the purposes of the test, data will
be treated as real so that all aspects of the Ground Data System
can be tested.
A final trajectory correction maneuver is scheduled for
July 25. It will change the spacecraft's velocity 0.7 meters per
second. An earlier correction maneuver in March added just under
0.5 meters per second.
On the morning of Aug. 10, the spacecraft will fire its
solid rocket motor to go into Venus orbit. The firing will take
place while Magellan is behind Venus as viewed from Earth, and
then the rocket motor will be jettisoned.
After it is verified that Magellan is in orbit, a period of
20 days has been set aside to verify the spacecraft's health,
turn the radar on, and make adjustments. This period is called
In-Orbit Checkout (IOC).
Real data will be taken at various times during this period
and processed by the Imaging Team, but the main purpose is to
assist the radar team in adjusting the radar instrument's
At the end of the IOC, mapping of the planet will begin and
continue for 243 days, one rotation of Venus. The first products
of the mapping phase will be available in early October.